Welsh Division (Welsh Region)
Past Chairmen
Welsh Division
Mr Mike Kent (2021-2023)
Mrs Gail Lewis (2017-2021)
Mrs Alyson Kidner (2014-2017)
Mr Graham Hall (2011-2014)
Mr David Kidner (2008-2011)
Welsh Region
Mr Martin Cawley (2005-2008)
Mr Glyn Evans (2002-2005)
Mr Eddie Roberts (1999-2002)
Mr Morgan Hinder (1996-1999)
A proposal was put forward to Club Council in January 2008 to form the Welsh Division. The proposal Mr Nick Haynes, Nominated Member, on behalf of the Welsh Region. The proposal was seconded by Mrs Fiona Murray, Chairman of the Scottish Division.
The Club Chairman put the proposal to the Council, which unanimously decided to form the Welsh Division of the Caravan Club, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The formation of the Welsh Division in accordance with Bye-Law 6b was approved by the Executive Committee with effect from 28th January 2008.